Ben Shelton

Growing up I was an overweight kid. Looking back, I wonder if my parents honestly knew how unhealthy most of our meals were. Fried chicken, pizza, etc. were the norms around our house, and the effects showed glaringly in all of our weights. 

By the time I was 13, I started taking more pride in my appearance. I became more active in sports, and over the next few years, I lost weight. Through high school and college, I continued to battle my weight. I never dreamed I would join a gym because it didn’t seem like the right for me.

However, after my wife and I both gained weight our first year of marriage, we decided to join a gym. This is when DAC Collierville entered our lives. I’ll be honest that while I loved the gym, it took me a few years to get my nerve up to try group fitness classes. I would just exercise endlessly on an elliptical machine downstairs. I wish I would’ve tried group fitness sooner because it’s made a huge difference in my life.

I travel a lot with my job and keep crazy hours, so it’s hard to always eat the best or exercise. I hit up as many classes as I can when I’m in town. The instructors are amazing and the camaraderie amongst the members keeps me driving forward.  

While I still feel like my weight is an ongoing battle – and probably always will be – I’m healthier and in better shape than I’ve ever been. I’ve always been overly critical of how I physically look on the television broadcasts that I work. However, for the first time in my life, I don’t dread seeing myself on television or in pictures.

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"I love how I can always depend on the instructors and fellow members to give me that extra little push when I need it the most."

To date, I’m down about 30 lbs. from the weight I was when I joined DAC. I have better muscle tone, and I feel so much better from an energy standpoint. I know my loud and boisterous ways in classes might drive some people nuts, but I love my gym family more than most of them could ever imagine. They truly inspire and motivate me. Most of all, I love how I can always depend on the instructors and fellow members to give me that extra little push when I need it the most.

If you ever thought about giving a gym a chance, it’s definitely worth checking out DAC Collierville.

Ken Evans

After retiring from the US Navy at age 42, I started putting on the pounds. At age 50, I was 210 pounds and my health was not what it should be. After having my gall bladder removed and having high blood pressure issues, I decided it was time to do something about the direction I was headed. I began eating healthier and I joined DAC. I began by doing pump and spin a few times a week. Once I saw how much fun group fitness classes were, I decided to try some others- team training, step, and combat in addition to pump and spin. The weight came off slowly but surely. After a year, I was down to 185 and feeling pretty good. I kept up my workouts thanks to other members and the great trainers at DAC providing lots of encouragement! I got my weight down to 170 pounds within two years of joining DAC and, thankfully, I have maintained a healthy lifestyle and kept the weight off. Going on 10 years at DAC, I can honestly say that it has made a huge difference in my health, my appearance, and my self-confidence. I feel like DAC has saved me from years of health problems. I can’t thank the staff and fellow members enough for their encouragement and support.

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"I feel like DAC has saved me from years of health problems. I can't thank the staff and fellow members enough for their encouragement and support."