

From beginners to workout warriors, we have the perfect training options for you. The strength of one person is nothing compared to the power of a team.  Come and work with a certified personal training coach in a group setting and watch your motivation needle move.  Enjoy as many sessions a month as you want – for less than the cost of a single personal training session.

See the Fitness Department for more details


Training Sessions

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Private Training

With Private Personal Training, we place you in the proper level of training for your goals and concerns. In this personalized setting, you meet with one of our certified trainers and benefit from in-depth instruction while focusing on your specific goals. Contact us for more information on private training.


Small Group Training

During your training sessions, you meet with one of our certified trainers in our Small Group format (2-4 people). In this personalized setting, you benefit from in-depth instruction while focusing on your specific goals. Just as good as private personal training at a fraction of the cost - with the added motivation of your workout partners. Contact us for more information on small group training.


30 Day Training Experience

We developed the 30 Day Personal Training Experience to give everyone the opportunity to try the unique DAC Collierville offering: Training for Everyone. 30 days with a personal trainer at a fraction of the cost of a traditional one-on-one training rate. All with no membership needed!